3rd Edition – ski4sport 2014

The art4sport young kids group, along with their families, met each other on Thursday evening, arriving from all over Italy with many expectations.

To welcome us we found Roberto Bof who, as well as being the art4sport contact for Lombardia, also is the promoter of our ski4sport project. Together with him Nicola Busata and his team of Freerider instructors.

On Friday morning we set off early to prepare skis, boots, prostheses and shells. Each young person uses the equipment that best suits their body and feels most comfortable. Once again, this year the support of the two orthopaedic technicians Luca Dalmastri, representing Ottobock, and Claudio Gruppioni, from Arte Ortopedica, was invaluable. In fact they followed the children and helped them to adjust the prostheses to make skiing more comfortable. The group was also accompanied by representatives of the Italian Police and Carabinieri Corps, who joined the instructors to provide support for the art4sport team.

Monte Terminillo was the third stop on our itinerary, which once again created increasingly strong bonds of friendship between children and strengthened the families, providing comparisons and creating complicity.

We end with a special thanks to the Lazio Region, which supported us in this project, to the Freerider instructors, who are getting better and better, to the regional contacts, to the families of the team members and to all those who contributed to the success of this third edition.